Bruxism (teeth grinding) and fatigue

Bruxism (teeth grinding) and fatigue

Bruxism has dental, psychological and of course economic consequences. From an osteopathic point of view the causes are mechanical disturbance, a muscular imbalance and a malposition between the lower and upper jawbone.

Background to Bruxism

This malposition effects the lower jawbone (mandible) and the two upper jawbones (maxilla). By way of explanation: The skull (cranium) is made up of various bone parts, pairwise and unpaired. The connection between the skull parts is by no means fixed but provides for a certain amount of mobility. The eye socket is not simply a hole in the skull but rather the connection between seven skull bones, paired and unpaired.

In the jaw the connection between a paired and two unpaired bones is constantly moving during the day e.g. when eating or speaking. Therefore malpositions are primarily noticeable and disturbing during the night, when the afflicted person feels this malposition and constantly tries to correct or alleviate it.

The burning questions are therefore:

  • What distorts the connection between the bones again and again?
  • Why does the disturbance only occur during the night? Can it be dealt with, corrected?
  • Is a dental intervention necessary?
  • Is it actually a psychological disorder?
  • What therapies are effective?

Permanent fatigue is an observable consequence of this long standing nightly disturbances.


A mental disorder can usually be excluded. If a malposition exists, congenital or as a result of trauma, a dental/surgical intervention is necessary. However, in most cases this malposition can be treated by an experienced osteopath.

He restores the mobility of the bone structures and thus the required mobility. The hotepi sleep concept as the treatment of choice at night plays an important role in maintaining mobility. This is the only way to prevent this nightly disturbance.

The hotepi sleep concept can help you

The hotepi sleep concept, i.e. the treatment during the night, ensures that therapeutic success of every kind for the spinal column and in particular for the upper cervical verterbrae  is permnanent and that you can live long without discomfort.