The sleep apnoea syndrome and loud snoring

The sleep apnoea syndrome and loud snoring
The sleep apnoea syndrome and loud snoring (SAS) are a widespread social phenomenon. SAS is not an illness but it develops, however, into a health, economic and social problem. Because there has been little research done on the causes, SAS is considered to be an illness. Like all illnesses SAS has been and still is treated first and foremost symptomatically. The afflicted person goes to the doctor, after that to the sleep laboratory, and is then given a respirator known as CRAP. The use of CRAP is considered to be the gold-standard in the treatment of apnoea. In certain, but only few cases, the device is unavoidable especially when otherwise a surgical procedure would be necessary. When SAS is the result of an illness or injury to the nerves (respiratory nerves) then CRAP is essential. in order to improve the condition of the afflicted person, but in the majority of cases the causes for SAS lie elsewhere.
Background to the syndrome
SAS (loud snoring/apnoea) is not really caused by overweight, alcohol consumption or a person’s gender. Overweight and alcohol consumption complicate every treatment and it would be better to be slim and athletic and not to consume any alcohol. Healthy people are not plagued by apnoea. The causes of SAS (according to my not yet published study which was produced together with a sleep-laboratory) are malpositions in the most important connection between cranium and spinal column. In such a case it has to be clarified whether the malposition is primary or secondary.
This part of the body has to be in balance. This balance is disturbed during the night and the anatomically correct position changed. Malpositions occur which lead to massive muscle tension and even more malpositions. The consequence of this is the formation of bottlenecks whereby the supply through the blood vessel is disturbed and vegetative nerves from and to the cranium are negatively affected. The important brain nerves regulating respiration now come out on both sides of the skull in order to supply organs in the region of the throat and the gastrointestinal tract. Bottlenecks disturb the control of the respiratory function.
The impairment of the vegetative nerves leads to loud snoring, apnoeas, cardiovascular disorders and eventually organ disfunctions and more. It is clear that one’s social environment, family, friends, employer and health insurance company also suffer under these circumstances.
Constant fatigue is a consequence of these long existing nightly disturbances.
The treatment aims to:
1 Clear up the malposition ofthe bone structure, namely from the base of the skull to the sacrum. Re-establishing the balance in this region is decisive. Only an experienced osteopath will be able to do this.
2 A new malposition must be prevented. The hotepi sleep concept was developed in order to prevent this malposition once and for all.
The hotepi sleep concept can help you
The hotepi sleep concept, i.e. the treatment during the night, ensures that therapeutic success of every kind for the spinal column and in particular for the upper cervical verterbrae is permnanent and that you can live long without discomfort.